Monday, December 12, 2011

Child Care: What's Hot Now: Terrible Twos And More

Child Care: What's Hot Now
These articles that had the largest increase in popularity over the last week // via
Terrible Twos And More
Dec 12th 2011, 11:02

Toddlers are such incredible creatures of change. One day, they like something. The next day, it's something else. The same goes for toddler behavior. Toddlers go through such intense developmental, emotional and physical changes in such short amounts of time. In addition, they are developing language and asserting their newfound independence. That's all well and good, but tyrant-like toddler behavior that may on occasion erupt from your Prince or Princess Charming is not.

What Can Parents Do To Keep The 'Tyrant-itis' Away?

1. Keep the focus on your youngster's positive toddler behavior.

Toddlers need heaps of affection and attention to encourage positive behavior and to redirect not-so-nice actions. When toddlers are doing something wrong, it is important for parents to acknowledge positive toddler behavior. Be specific in your praise. For example, say: "It's good that you and Jason are taking turns with your new Batman figure" rather than "You and Jason are playing nicely." Parents' comments and reinforcement are what help to teach a young kid the right toddler behavior.

2. Ignore specific bad behavior. This, of course, may not always be possible and safety must always be the utmost concern. A parent's attention is the most powerful way to influence a toddler's behavior. Negative attention by a parent is sometimes preferred by a toddler than no attention. Keep this in mind when rewarding misbehaviors through attention. Instead, provide lots of hugs and praise for every positive toddler behavior.

3. Notice patterns of toddler behavior. Don't set your young one up to fail. Avoid errands when your kid is hungry or tired, if possible. Bedtime is a struggle for many toddlers because they lack physical and emotional self-control to balance their needs and wants. Parents must structure a daily and night-time routine that eliminates discussion and negotiation.

4. Use the 'time out' technique. This effective toddler behavior tyrant tamer really does work. Experts recommend placing a toddler in time out until he is quiet for about three minutes. Avoid lecturing to your kid before or after time out. Parent comments should be limited to fewer than 10 words. "Madison, no biting. Sit in the chair now!"

One last bit of wisdom. Toddler behavior (good, bad or otherwise) is a phase. With constant positive reinforcement and time, toddlers will be out of the terrible twos and threes and other typical toddler behaviors entirely and paents will be facing new challenges.

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